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Photo of Rafael  De Cózar Sievert Spain

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Poet, painter and Spanish novelist born in 1951 in Tetouan, Morocco Province, lived for eleven years in Cadiz, a city where he started his first business as a painter, with exhibitions and awards, to engage later literary activity, as founding member of the literary group "Swell." Bachelor and the Andalusian literature.
AWARDS: Finalist Award "Guernica" novel (Madrid, in l979), Special Mention Award "Elisha" manuscript novel, Sevilla, l98l, Finalist Award for poetry "Ricardo Molina in...

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11.42 x 16.54 in
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11.42 x 16.54 in
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Poet, painter and Spanish novelist born in 1951 in Tetouan, Morocco Province, lived for eleven years in Cadiz, a city where he started his first business as a painter, with exhibitions and awards, to engage later literary activity, as founding member of the literary group "Swell." Bachelor and the Andalusian literature.
AWARDS: Finalist Award "Guernica" novel (Madrid, in l979), Special Mention Award "Elisha" manuscript novel, Sevilla, l98l, Finalist Award for poetry "Ricardo Molina in Cordoba and" Rafael Montesinos' of Sevilla. PhD Extraordinary Award of the University of Sevilla (l985). Award "Ciudad de Sevilla" Doctoral Thesis, l986, with the work: "Historical Foundations of the Spanish poetic experimentation," then Poetry published under the title and image. Between 1982 and 2002 was president of the Andalusian Section Writers' Association of Spain Prize "Mario Vargas Llosa" novel, (Murcia 1996) with the novel The Heart of the rags. (Madrid, 1997).
Literature has been director of the Editorial "The Chariot of the Snow" and contributor to various newspapers and literary media (ABC, Information, Diario 16, Canal Sur.)

* The Mutiny of the Estate, (novel) Sevilla, Padilla, l978
* The Heart of the rags, (novel) Award 1996 Vargas Llosa.
Madrid, Libertarian Prodhufi, 1997.
* Sketches of Dreams. (Stories) in Cadiz, Col. Calembé, 2001
* Symphony No. 1 in black Cózar (ma non troppo) Sevilla, ed. author l98O
* It's cold tonight, it's cold (selection), in Cuadernos Hispano, No. 36l-362, Madrid, l98O.
* Between Chinatown and River Side: guardian angels, New York,
Lautaro edit. 1987. New edition catkins (Sevilla 2004)
* Eyes of grapes, Sevilla, Lautaro Edit. 1988.
* Poets in the Classroom: JA Rafael Pacheco-Antón Cózar. Sevilla, Junta Andalucia, 1991.
* José Marrodan, Rafael de Cózar, Abelardo Rodriguez, and Poetry.
Sevilla, El on Spinning, 1993.
* Poets in the Classroom: Raphael Cózar-Juan Jose Espinosa. Sevilla, Junta de Andalucía, 1993.
* Rafael de Cózar. San Roque (Cádiz) Del. Culture Ayuntam. 1994.
* Poetry. Palma de Mallorca, University, 1998.
* Con-way Visual Sense. (Anol 1968-2004) Sevilla, RD ed. 2006

INCL. Poetic Anthology:
* New poetry 1: Cadiz Madrid, ed. ZYX, l976.
* Qadisch: Sample of young poetry Cadiz Puerto de Santa Maria,
* Anthology of Young Andalusian poetry, Torremolinos (Malaga), rev
. Litoral, 1982

* New poetry: Sevilla, Madrid, ZYX, l977
* Carlos Edmundo de Ory: Metanoia, (Critical edition of Cózar R.), Madrid, Cátedra, l978.
* Storytellers Andaluces (issue and anthology) Madrid, Legasa, l98l.
* Rope Andalusian rogues and swindlers Murcia Sevilla, Bibl. Andalusian culture, l985.
* Powder will ... (anthology of erotic poetry today, Sevilla, El Carro de la Nieve, 1988.
* Love stories of today, Sevilla, El Carro de la Nieve, 1988.
* Jose María Requena: Tales of lime and sun. Sevilla, Lautaro Edit.
* Poetry and image Sevilla, El Carro de la Nieve, 1992.
* Angel Leiva: Return to the south (edic. Antol. And prologue) Sevilla, Edit. Lautaro, 1993.
* Rafael Vargas. Between dream and reality. Sevilla, Guadalmena, 1994
* Short Stories. (II Premio Ciudad de Huelva) Foreword R. In Cózar.Huelva, Junta Andalucia, 1994.
* 12 have Andaluces (anthology) R. Susana De Cózar and Jakfalvi.
Sevilla, Lautaro editorial, 1994.

* Rafael Montesinos Poetry Anthology 1944-1995. (Edic. of R.
Cózar) Sevilla. Public. Provincial, 1995.
* Mermaids, Monsters, Legends. Col. "The narrative and the sea." Madrid. State Society Lisbon 98, 1998. Prologue: "Facing the sea (on marine bestiary). ISBN-84-95152-02-9 (6 authors)
* Overview of 27 (creative diversity of a Generation) 1927-1997) coordination of the congress and ed. Book by R. In Cózar. Sevilla. University-Fundación El Monte, 1998. (334 pp.). Includes the author's cap. "The 27 and the context of art." ISBN-84-89777-41-1 (13 authors. 500 copies)
* "The avant-garde beginnings Francisco Ayala: Hunter in the morning and the boxer and an angel, in M. Ángel Vázquez Medel. (Ed.), Francisco Ayala and Vanguards. Sevilla, Alfar, 1998. pp. 33-44. ISBN 84-7898-144-4.
* José María Requena: Loneliness distributed. Sevilla, Diputación, 2000. Rafael de Cózar Foreword. ISBN84-88603-59-2
* Poets in Seville. (Anthology of 9 authors). Sevilla, Ayuntam.Distrito Old Town. 2002. (Prol. R. De Cózar) ISBN 84-95020-76-9.
* "Captain Alatriste and golden Sevilla" (Prologue R. De Cózar) A. Perez Reverte: The King's Gold. Madrid, Alfaguara, 2002. ISBN 84-204-4343-3
* "A few brief notes of encouragement" (Preface R. De Cózar) Cenizo José Jiménez: An approach to the poetic plural of Francisco Peralta. Málaga, South Corona, 2002. ISBN. 84-95849-43-7
* R. In Cózar: "Presentation" (R. De Cózar) José Manuel Delgado Adorna. Cernuda, their land and poets. Sevilla, Diputación, 2002. ISBN 84-88603-74-6.
* Anonymous: Don Juan Notorious (erotic parody Tenorio de Zorrilla, 1874), re prologue B. Caetano-R. In Cózar), Sevilla, Signature Editions, 2005.
R. Cózar: Vanguard and tradition. Sevilla, Mergablum, 2005

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